How do I apply the EZ-Wax™?

We recommend the use of a lamb’s wool or terry cloth floor applicator.

Can FastPatch™ be used to fill cracks?

No. We recommend the use of a joint repair epoxy when repairing cracks. Please refer to the CCI catalog for the appropriate product.

When can I grind and finish shaping Fast-Patch™?

In approximately 30-60 minutes depending on temperature and other weather conditions.

How long before I can coat over FastPatch™?

You may coat over the material within 24 hours

Do I need to mix Fast-Patch™ with polymer?

No. The polymer is in the mix and activated when you stir in water.

What coverage should I expect from a bag of Fast-Patch™?

1/3 of a cubic ft. per bag or 25 sq ft at ¼” thickness

How long after the final coat until I can walk on Shield™ Epoxy?

You may walk on your new epoxy floor 24 hours after the final application. You may begin moving in equipment or utilizing vehicular traffic no sooner than 72 hours. It takes seven days for epoxy to fully cure.

How long after applying the Shield™ Epoxy should I broadcast quartz or flake?

All broadcasting should be done within 45 minutes.

How long until I can get back on Shield™ Epoxy to do additional coats?

All epoxies have a finite window of opportunity to apply additional coats. Any additional material must be applied within 12-24 hours of the last application. Spike shoes are recommended. If this is not possible, the floor must be sanded and deglossed prior to any application of new material.

Is your Shield™ Epoxy self leveling?

No. However, when applied properly you will achieve a nice even application.