Concrete Coatings, Inc. is a manufacturing company with over two decades of experience in the contracting field. Our expertise is not only in making the products, but in their installation.
We know coatings and we have what it takes to prepare a surface in order for the coating to provide years of trouble-free service. We have one of the most comprehensive training courses in the country, and teach virtually all aspects to the potential installer.
Training Quick Links
Video Library
Our most popular products and processes are shown on short video presentations. While these videos will be helpful in answering questions, remember to read Concrete Coatings, Inc. technical data sheets and/or contact Technical Support before applying products for the first time.
How to Apply an Acid Stain
Spray-Tek™ Intro
Installing Broom-Tek™
How to Repair Concrete using Fast-Patch™
GraniteLook™ featured on ConcreteNetworkTV
Living Earth™ Water-Based Stain Application
GraniteLook™ Application
How to Apply a Micro-Tek™ Micro-topping
How to Acid Stain a Micro-Tek™ Micro-Topping
Have any technical questions? We are here to help guide the use of our product line.
Call our office Toll-Free: 1.801.544.8771
Product Literature
Product Literature
A biodegradable concrete cleaner.
Faux Granite Coating
Eliminates Concrete Build-Up
Masonry Sealer Water-Based Acrylic Sealer
Water-Based Acrylic Sealer
Living Earth™ Water-Based Stains
Available in 15 Colors
Solvent-Based Dye for Concrete
Available in 11 Colors
Hands-On Training
We offer several training events throughout the year. Whether you choose to attend training at a trade show, distributor’s location or at our headquarters in Layton, Utah you will gain the hands-on experience you need to successfully use Concrete Coatings, Inc products.
These training opportunities may include a fee and may be on-site at the distributor/reseller location or off-site at a different location.
Concrete Coatings, Inc. 2019 Hands-On Training Dates
- March 21-22
- April 18-19
- May 16-17
- August 15-16
- October 10-11
As dates are subject to change, so please contact us prior to making any travel arrangements.
To find out more about our upcoming training dates, please submit your information below:
Training Information Request
If you are new to the concrete coatings industry, visit our Business Opportunities page.

To support our ongoing commitment to ensure your business is successful when you partner with Concrete Coatings, Inc we have provided the following resources to help.
Marketing Resources
Concrete Decor Magazine
Magazine dedicated to decorative concrete. Excellent articles and information.
Concrete Network
Great advertising opportunity for contractors.
Concrete Ideas
Useful information on decorative concrete.
Concrete Contractor Magazine
Concrete information resource.
Great for networking with other professionals.
Excellent for lead generation and sales articles.
Industry Links
ASCC American Society of Concrete Contractors
Training and networking association
Contractor State Licensing
Helpful in finding a states' licensing requirements.
Sample Sheets
Sample Bid Sheet
To be used for reference only. Download PDF
Additional Resources
Credit Application
For Distributors / Resellers only. Download PDF
Information Updates
Help us ensure the data we have on file about your company is correct.