SuperSeal™ 20WB is UV stable and a perfect choice for interior and exterior application.
Topics: DIY
Is SuperSeal™ 20WB UV Stable?
Can I use Superseal™ 20WB on surfaces other than concrete?
SuperSeal™ 20WB may be applied to many porous surfaces including, stone, brick, manufactured stone, overlays and many types of tile. We recommend you apply sealer to a small section of the substrate to ensure proper adhesion.
What is the preferred method of application for SuperSeal™ 20WB?
Use a low pressure sprayer, short nap roller or lamb’s wool applicator to apply Superseal™ 20WB to the substrate. It is crucial not to over apply the material or to allow pooling, as this may lead to undesirable results such as whiting.
Troubleshooting Acrylic Sealers: Bubbling
Reason: Heat. Solvent entrapment usually occurs when excessive heat causes the sealer application to “skin” over the top and the remaining solvent to flash off underneath, causing bubbles. Solution: Applying sealer in the cool of the morning during the hot summer months will prevent most solvent entrapment. However, if this occurs, apply an additional coat of sealer. This causes the sealer to re-emulsify and allow the solvent to escape.
Troubleshooting Acrylic Sealers: Cob webbing (Looks stringy or like cotton candy)
Cause: Excessive substrate or external temperatures; or pulling sealer too tight Solution: Cob webbing is most common in the hot summer months due to extremes in temperature. It is best to apply sealer in the cool of the day before the concrete has heated. If cob webbing does occur, apply an additional or heavier coat of sealer and the issue will clear up immediately.
Troubleshooting Acrylic Sealers: Whiting
Cause: Moisture Entrapment. Moisture entrapment occurs when moisture is left in, or is evaporating out of concrete substrate or if moisture accumulates on a sealer application prior to completing full cure. Solution: Whiting is easily resolved with an application of an acceptable solvent (check your local VOC Regulations to help maintain proper VOC levels). Scrub the affected sealer application vigorously to re-emulsify the sealer and allow for proper ventilation. It may be necessary to repeat this step to fully remove any remaining moisture. Upon curing the whiting should disappear.
Can the EZ-Wax™ be applied to an epoxy or urethane?
EZ-Wax™ works well with all of Concrete Coatings, Inc sealers. However, when applying it to a urethane or epoxy the first coat must be applied within 24 hours of the final application to ensure proper adhesion.
Is EZ-Wax™ UV stable?
EZ-Wax™ is completely UV stable. If applied outside consideration must be taken so as not to create a slip hazard.
How often do I need to strip EZ-Wax™?
EZ-Wax™ may be applied up to 100 times before stripping is necessary.
What is the coverage of a EZ-Wax™ container?
1,000-3,000 sq. ft.