Technical Data Sheets (TDS)

Concrete Coatings, Inc. is pleased to provide the following Technical Data Sheet (TDS) information on our products. To learn more about any product, please click the product name. 

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Efflorescence Remover

A biodegradable concrete cleaner.


Etch, Clean And Degrease

Micro-Tek™ Micro-Toppings

Micro-Toppings - Rough Grade

A rough grade overlay with a fine consistency.

Micro-Toppings - Smooth Grade

A smooth grade overlay with a fine consistency


DuraSet™ 1001 FastSet™

Fast Drying Modified Acrylic Resin

Overlay Integral Colorants

For Spray-Tek™ and Stamp-Tek™ Overlays and Micro-Toppings


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